I’m on holiday! So no new post today, except to share some of the things from my reading wish list, some of which I’m (hopefully) sitting by a poolside thoroughly engrossed in.

I haven’t read any of these, but I’ve come across them and thought they sounded interesting.

  • Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott – this isn’t available on Kindle, at least not in the UK, so it is also not on holiday with me, but I’ve heard it recommended several times as a profound book that is about writing, but also so much more than writing.
  • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown – I really love what I’ve seen of Brene Brown’s work so far. As she is also an academic, a writer and a person who works with people to help them overcome their blocks and live lives of greater freedom, I just want to soak up all her experience and wisdom.
  • Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey – again, not available on Kindle, but apparently a great insight into understanding parables and other Jesus-texts through the actual historical context in which they were first told
  • Such a Long Journey by Rohinton Mistry – because I do like reading stories, not just ‘idea books’ and because I’ve read A Fine Balance which was an incredible book.
  • The Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth – a friend recommended this to me. I really want stories to read on holiday, and I loved the Hunger Games trilogy (I didn’t expect to, but I found it gripping), so I thought I’d check it out.
  • Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed – so….this is basically because I loved the film Wild. I’m not sure that follows, but I want to check it out!
  • Water from a Deep Well by Gerald Sittser – I have been meaning to read this for so long! On Amazon it says “Gerald Sittser opens to us the rich history of spirituality, letting us gaze at the practices and stories of believers from the past who had the same thirst for God that we do today. As we see their deep faith through his vibrant narratives, we may discover that old ways can bring new life to our own spirituality.” Which sounds awesome, because I think we have so much to learn from “the ancient paths.”
  • What Do You Say After You Say Hello by Eric Berne – a friend of mine is studying transactional analysis as part of a psychotherapy course right now. This had led to many interesting and involved conversations in which I keep having to stop her and ask her to explain various theories within transactional analysis. It’s a fascinating subject (because it’s all about people and relationships) and it’s time I caught up a bit!
  • Yes Please by Amy Poehler – I find ‘memoir’ style books fun and easy reading, and this one keeps coming up as a good one.

I need to get a better list of stories I want to read, because I love reading novels but my ‘recommended’ list is a bit short on that front at the moment! I’m also interested in light books; I do enough heavy reading for my PhD at the moment.

What’s on your check-it-out list?

Image by Pixabay user Michal Jarmoluk