A few strands of conversation and reflection came together recently and I realised that I have something to say.

I am really interested in what Aaron and I call “tools for life” – the sort of things you don’t necessarily get taught in school, but that hugely influence how you live your life – from prac things like using a budget and managing time, to more intangible things like how to forgive, what happiness is and how to build lasting friendships.

I have also learned a lot about myself and other people over the last 10+ years and I really value the healing I have experienced, the wisdom I have been given and the insights I am learning to apply in my everyday life.

I’m still learning, and one of the ways that I learn is to talk and to write. Sometimes I argue vehemently for a particular idea and in the middle of that argument someone drops a brilliant example into the conversation and something clicks in me – I realise my opinion needs to change. Other times my ideas develop slowly over time, through multiple conversations, through reading, through prayer, through my own processing and through experiences.

I enjoy drawing together strands from various disciplinary and experiential contexts and then trying to live them out. It is the particular chemistry of borrowed elements wrought through experience that I want to talk about here, on this blog.

So for now, I’m just going to share musings and thoughts as they come up in day-to-day life, and I’ll see where this takes me. I won’t post every day, because I know I can’t produce the quality of content that I would want to read on a daily basis. If I manage to write once or twice a week on top of the writing I’m doing for my PhD, I would be delighted.

I hope this will start a conversation in which other people feel willing to share their insights and experiences too. We have so much to learn and share with each other.

Here we go.

Image by Pixabay user Hermann Traub